Coaching | Interventions | Solutions based change work
Malcolm Williams | Motivation for Change
...the flight of change is always possible
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“Any idiot can make things complicated. It takes a genius to make things simple”
~ Woody Guthrie
Simply put, I provide coaching and interventions that help people to make the changes that they want to make. Some people require almost instant help. With this in mind, I also provide tools that bridge the time required to make lasting change.
Interventions/Solutions based change work
Too many items to list here but general areas featured include:
Post-traumatic stress injury/disorder. Causes include abuse, military active service, accidents, sudden ill-health, bereavement etc.
Phobic reactions... fear of...
Chronic anxiousness
Self-esteem/confidence issues
Broken relationships
An ethical approach to influencing others and, where appropriate, allowing influence from others in the interests of personal growth.
Relationships (personal and professional):
A radical look at the many restricting assumptions we make about ourselves and others. Recognising the personal isolating effect this can have and, most importantly, how it can be altered. Understand why, in every human interaction, there will be misunderstandings. Learn how to significantly reduce these and develop closer relationships at the same time.
Advanced Listening:
Most of us know someone who we regard as a poor listener. What most of us don’t know is that, on many occasions, we are that person! A level of listening exists that is beyond most people’s comprehension. It is simple to learn and can be transformational to both the communicator and the listener.
Mind programming:
Recognise how powerful the human brain is and the importance of getting it to work for you (not against you). Learn simple but powerful tools to help you to accomplish this.
Body Language:
Discover how much of communication is delivered by body language. In some, often important circumstances, it is possible to communicate naturally most of what you want to, without speaking! Learn how to positively change the way you feel in two minutes……every time.
Interpersonal skills:
Why do so many conversations go round in circles? Because neither party feels understood. Feeling understood is a precursor to being ready to listen and understand in return. There are simple ways to make this happen.
How do I do it?
I believe in making things as simple as possible.
I draw from extensive training received during my 22 year business career with Xerox. I also draw from self-sponsored training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (Master Practitioner), Integral Eye Movement Therapy (practitioner), Clean Language, Metaphors of Movement (practitioner), Clinical Hypnosis (advanced certificate), Ideo-Dynamics and more.
I have been influenced by many people including Andrew Austin, James Tripp, Tony Robbins, Matt Ferguson, Richard Bandler and John Grinder to name just a few.
However, my biggest influence and learning curve has been the people I have worked with. I learn something new from every single client I see, though not always consciously.
My experience of thousands of sessions and the various patterns of speech, body language and thinking revealed, enables me to help more people in more situations.
Born into a working class family in Hertfordshire, I (with three brothers) lived out a happy childhood, free of material wealth. A colourful youth followed, which excluded paying any attention to senior-school education. This rewarded me with dozens of short-lived careers including retail shelf stacking, hotel porter duties, warehouse order picking and manual labouring.
At this point, I was “saved” by a company called Smith & Nephew. They spotted something in me, sent me to college (business studies) and put me on a management development program. I then secured a position within Xerox Corporation which lasted for 22 years; resigning from a senior management position to follow my vocation in 2007. I have not looked back since.
As well as my private coaching practice,
I have had the privilege of being the Lead Coach (based on veteran feedback and referrals) for the CIC Rock2Recovery.
The Company provides support (sometimes life-saving) to veterans of the armed forces or civilian emergency services. In start-up, as Lead Coach, I led the change-work and established the reputation of the Company amongst Military Veterans. This community of Veterans provide most of the Companys's referrals to this day.
I have never advertised
I estimate that I have conducted more than 12,000 client sessions over the last 14 years. After the first few, every one of my clients (including veterans) has booked to see me on the recommendation of others. I have worked with children as young as 6 years old and adults up to the age of 84!

Connections to other organisations
Working with Viewpoint, I provide free services to veterans. I also provide confidence building training for recovering Alcohol and Drug Abuse delegates.
Hertfordshire Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service
Providing complimentary therapy to referred patients.
Armed Forces, Veterans and Families Information Centre
Stevenage Museum, St Georges Way, Stevenage SG11XX
Contact Mark Williams on 07805 925404.
Providing free coaching and interventions to veterans-in-need and their families.
Local GP Surgery
Offering alternative (to medication) services to patients referred by their GP (see commendation below).
"I believe, during the
last seven years,
I have performed
the greatest work of
my professional life"
"I will let those who have worked
with me, speak for me."
"I have been fortunate enough to have been a client of Malcolm Williams. He has been such a support to me through one of the most challenging and difficult times of my life, I honestly and absolutely credit Malcolm with saving my life. Malcolm has helped me reconnect with my love of life, hope and positivity for the future and my ambition to achieve and progress.
In the past I have sought support from other sources, including $500 p/hr, highly regarded US psychiatrists & top psychologists the world over but no support has had such a profound, authentic and effective result as Malcolm’s approach.
One of my drivers in life now is to find a way to repay the kindness and commitment Malcolm has shown to me throughout the past year. Malcolm is an absolute professional with a fascinating gift and insight second to none when it comes to the human state of mind."
"I have been referring patients to Malcolm Williams at Motivation for Change periodically since 2009. The types of conditions that Malcolm works with are varied but include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety, phobic fears and, habit-breaking in its broadest sense.
Feedback from my referrals is invariably positive and most patients report improvements (which can be significant). Malcolm is professional, is easy to talk to and, a clear communicator. In summary, I have no hesitation in recommending his services and, have used Malcolm to help members of my own family on several occasions."
Dr. B Hanak | Hertfordshire
Julia | Suffolk
Written Commendations...
Video Commendations...
"During my tour of Afghanistan in 2008, I was injured in an IED explosion. Because of that event I was troubled in many ways, suffered tension, guilt and breathlessness. I felt totally weighed down with my life. I had no direction. I retreated from social events, suffered anxiety attacks, as I became physically sick with anxiety if I did go out.
I sometimes felt depressed, had flashes of uncontrollable anger, and found concentrating difficult. I was not the person that left England to represent his country and my character was almost unrecognisable to my long-term partner. I hadn’t been able to relax for years.
Despite receiving much needed counselling and mental health support over the past few years, my state of mind remained much the same. I wasn’t ready to go back to Civvy Street.
It all changed after I attended a programme with Malcolm Williams.
The transformation in my life has been positively dramatic. He has
re-enabled me to get my life back on track. Emotional outbursts and flashes of anger have now been significantly reduced to the point that life is becoming normalized, and I can see a future where before I wasn’t sure if I really had one.
My domestic life has improved; I can go out socially, have a steady job and can foresee a life integrated back in society. I highly recommend Malcolm to anyone suffering from the trauma of war or PTSD."
SJ | A proud Marine, Plymouth
Julia Mark David Paddy

The 'Veterans in Need' service is FREE and relies on public donations as well as my own finances to cover expenses such as room hire, petrol, etc.
Please note: I donate a maximum of two days per week to this service. Whilst I will make every effort to see any Veteran in Need straight away, demand can mean a short delay until a space becomes available.
'Veterans in Need'

Video Commendations...
Harry Nick Jason Mark Steve
Can I help you?
For an initial 'no obligation' discussion please contact me by one of the following options:
Call me on 07815 105 759
Complete the contact form opposite
Email me on the address opposite
Alternatively, I can arrange for you to talk to any number of people that have personal experience of the help I can provide.
Video or face to face sessions available, depending on location.
Working with families and loved ones
In my experience, the families and loved ones of those that seek my help, have almost always been adversely affected themselves. In some circumstances, they may need to be involved in a session or even require individual help themselves. Long term success can depend on this.
How much does it cost?
£100 per hour (first session 2 hours in duration, subsequent sessions
1 hour).
Veterans in Need Service - FREE
Contact Forms not your cup of tea?
You can send me an old fashioned email by clicking on this address: